Guest Teacher This Week And Next


Over the next two weeks, we will have a guest teacher twice in this classroom.  Former EDHS Science teacher, Mr Stoecklein (pronounced Steck Line) will be here in my place on Tuesday February 24th and Thursday March 5th.

  • On February 24th, I will be attending a careers conference in Garden Grove from 1:00pm to 3:30pm.
  • On March 5th, I will be at the CUE Conference in Palm Springs presenting to teachers.

Please welcome Mr. Stoecklein into our classroom.

Lab Software Updates


Thank to all of you for your patience with the new computer lab.  We have the computers just about where I want them, but there are still a few issues.  Internet explorer still has the wrong homepage, and a couple of other things aren’t quite right, but they are CLOSE to being finished.

I will be updating the software again over the long 3 day weekend to fix some of these problems.  Have a great 3 day weekend 🙂

Mr. Eliot