Guest Teacher Monday June 4th

Hello students. I have jury duty today. I was told Friday night at 5:00pm. I will hopefully be back tomorrow. Please Continue to work on assignments that are due Friday June 9th. Due dates have not changed. I remind you that your phones are still expected to be placed in the back and your are expected to be in your assigned seats at all times please. As you might imagine, the lab will not be open at lunch or after school today.

Please continue working with Finch Robots. The cabinet has been unlocked. Obviously, nothing will be checked today. Please carefully get your robot when directed by the guest teacher after roll, and please return them to the cabinet at the end of the period.

Please continue working with Webots. Obviously, nothing will be checked today.

Mobile Game Intro:
Please continue working on your final game project. Due date is the same.

Mobile Game Advanced:
Jay. Nothing has changed. Wednesday, we will do your final presentation. Friday, your 1.1 update is expected on the Google Play Store. Due dates are the same.

See you tomorrow,
Mr. Eliot