Guest Teacher Today, Friday December 15th

Hello students! Today will be my third and hopefully final day of being gone. Thank you for your patience while I’m dealing with some personal business. Please welcome our guest teacher, and please be helpful to each other while I’m gone.


APCS-Principles, Period 01 and Period 03:
Please continue to work on your APCS-P Practice Create Task. You will not have tablets today, so I would suggest using the App Inventor Emulator since it is the closest to the tablets. If for some reason that doesn’t work, use your personal cell phone. If for some reason that doesn’t work, then you won’t be able to test code today, so work on other areas of your project. Don’t forget to use a document to track ALL of the sources you use.

APCS-A, Period 04:
Please continue to work on ICT Lesson 13. Files you may need for the assignment should be on my website. More discussion of of the last part of the assignment will be on Monday. Please get as far as you can, since the assignment will be due middle of next week.

You should make your last commit for the 2D Platformer Game and complete your Google Keep entry and complete your custom icon in Adobe Illustrator. This document found HERE (requires login) summarizes everything that is due for this assignment and where it goes. On Monday, we will put your finished icon into the game and put the game on the Android tablets.

Have a great weekend, and I will see you again on Monday –Mr. Eliot