AP Java Installer CDs Now Available

AP Java students only…

Over the weekend, I created installer CDs for each of you. These CDs install Textpad (unregistered shareware) and Java 5 on Windows 2000 or Windows XP Machines. Also, Karel Robot, Marine Biology Case Study, ICT APCS Library, Chn Utilities, Lejos, and ObjectDraw are installed. These are Java libraries that we will use throughout the year.

I make no guarantees regarding this software, use at your own risk. However, I have test installed it on XP and Windows 2000 machines, and it works fine. Also, if any problems result, you can use ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS to uninstall it.

See Mr. Eliot for a CDROM…

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Notice that the title for the course “Web Page Design” uses the word DESIGN. Anybody can put up a web page, but not everybody ends up with a “good” site. With that in mind, I offer the following links:

(1) The Web Design From Scratch site has a great page discussing “Current Style In Web Design”. Check out what good web design looks like HERE.

(2) A classic of web design is the site Web Pages That Suck (sorry, I didn’t name it). Check out what bad web design looks like HERE.

(3) Finally, I will be talking a lot in Intro To Web Design about why graphics are a BAD IDEA for the background of a web page. See an example of how ugly this can make a web site look HERE (try reading the text quickly).